
The Teachers Impact

5 Must Dos for Great Classroom Management

5 Must Dos for Great Classroom Management

These are 5 Must Dos for Great Classroom Management throughout the year, read on to learn more.

If you’re a new teacher and struggling with classroom management, then you’re in the right place.

If you’ve been at this for a while, use this as a checklist and refresher to keep you on track throughout the year.

The number one must do for great classroom management is to create 5 simple rules that are direct and positively focused.

Sometimes rules get bad rap. I believe that students need to understand boundaries and the consequences of their actions.

Yes, students need to be given the opportunity to be heard and listened to but they also need to know that there are consequences in life for the choices that they make. 

Your rules need to be clear and direct. For example, follow directions the first time given and keep your hands to yourself.

A rule that is positively focused tells students the behavior you want to see in the classroom.  For example, instead of no hitting, keep your hands to yourself is describing the behavior you want to see in the classroom. 

You will be able to see whether or not your students are following these rules.

The reason for five rules is that it will be easier for students to remember and follow the rules,  if there are only five.

The second must do for classroom management is the use of tangible and intangible rewards

You need to have both because students may get too dependent on one or the other.

Intangible rewards include specific, positive behavioral praise.  An example of specific, positive behavioral praise is thank you for following directions.

Tangible rewards can include something like a treasure box, where students can choose a prize. 

The third must do for classroom management is to give clear, one to two step directives. 

When students are given clear directives, they will understand exactly what they need to do.

For example, instead of saying, why is your pencil on the floor, say please pick up your pencil off the floor.

You’re telling the student exactly what you would like them to do.

Also, try not to give multiple directives at the same time such as clear your desk, take out your pencil and turn to page 48.

Instead, have students clear their desk and once that directive is completed move on to the next directive.

Fourth, involve students’ parents to have great classroom management throughout the year.

Letting parents know how you intend to manage students and your classroom is one of the best things you can do.

When you decide to follow through on consequence and or rewards, there’ll be no surprises, because parents were made aware of your plan.

Fifth, practice makes progress when it comes to routines and procedures.

 I’ve realized, with teaching experience, that practicing routines and procedures makes a world of a difference.

Usually, students will tend to misbehave when they don’t know the routines and procedures.

Once you’ve practiced with your students and gave corrective feedback during class time your behavior problems tend to decrease.

In summary:

  1.  Create 5 simple rules that are observable and positively focused
  2. Use Tangible and intangible rewards
  3. Give clear, one to two step directives so children are clear on exactly what they need to do.
  4. Involve your students’ parents
  5. Practice makes progress

What are some of your must dos for classroom management?