The past few years have been turbulent for teachers and these are some ideas on what teachers need to be successful.
The first thing that teachers need to be successful is support.
There are different types of support. Indirect support such as coaching is very essential and important.
It is something that I support 100 percent. However, it is not the only solution. Direct support with an additional teacher or support staff in the classroom is what teachers need to be successful.
For example, if there is a student teacher ratio of 25:1 then that one teacher can only individualize and provide effective direct instruction to so many students.
If a teacher is able to have additional direct support, another teacher in the classroom, to help those hard to reach students then the likelihood of all students achieving increases.
Second, this direct support helps to alleviate teacher burnout.
Teachers have a lot on their plate and the workload keeps getting heavier and heavier. Student growth objectives, parent communication, discipline, testing and so much more. It is very overwhelming trying to keep up with everything.
Direct support to help with day to day classroom tasks frees up the teacher to laser in on instruction. It also helps to reduce distractions with the many administrative tasks do not directly increase student achievement.
This will reduce the workload thus helping to alleviate teacher burnout leading teachers to be more successful.
Third, direct support fosters a culture of achievement and learning.
If given direct support, teachers will feel less isolated, thus fostering a culture of achievement of learning.
For example, when reading specialists, coaches, interventionists are also working with students in the classroom it creates a multitiered system of support.
Everyone in the school community is working together so that all students are progressing. The suggestions mentioned above are some of the things teachers need to be successful.
Key Takeaways:
- Direct support fosters a culture of learning and achievement facilitating teacher success.
- Direct support helps to alleviate teacher burnout which can increase teacher success.
- Direct support means working with students in a classroom. Indirect support such as coaching is not the only answer.
What are some ways you feel supported as a teacher?